

Case Law Repository System is a legal research information system that enables the archiving and cataloguing of digitized legal documents and resources as well as their publishing and distribution over a shared web-enabled platform.


Gallery of Code built the first comprehensive Case Law Repository Software for the Government of Delta State in Nigeria.
Consequently, both legacy and present day resources generated by the Delta State Ministry of Justice will be digitized and published on a web based software system for easy case law search in digital format.
The system will house judgments from the creation of Delta State from 1991 till date. This allows for effective research and sorting of judgments for reference purposes and accessing judicial precedents.

The system is design with an administrative dashboard that allow administrative staff scan and upload judgments, legislative bills and executive orders making them available to legal researchers and the general public.

The Case Law Repository Solution is deployed on cloud hosting infrastructure with the following capabilities of the Case Law Repository System Software includes;
⦁ A central database of cases, law reports and legal digital resources relevant to the Delta State Justice system.
⦁ Indexing, archiving and upload of digitized copies of legal reports.
⦁ A digital repository of recommended scholarly and scientific articles related to projects and research areas.
The system also includes;
1). Single Sign On, 2). Collection management/indexing interface,
3) Title, content and context search capabilities, 4) File storage and retrieval system,
5) Image files integration, 6) User Account Management and Permissions.
7) Link to external and internal databases. 8) Case Law Search 9). Machine Learning Context Search. 10). Storage of over 20 TB


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